Brandon Chen

3rd Year Computer Engineering Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 84112
planned BS (University of Utah)

Project Ideas

Parking Availability Monitoring System


Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, Python, MySQL, MATLAB, C, C++, C#
Operation Systems: Windows, macOS, Linux, Unix
Technologies: HTML, Git, MIPS (assembly language)
Software Tools: VMware, GitHub Desktop, JUnit


Pac-Man Game - Collaborative Project
 Created and tested 16-bit CPU on a Cyclone-V FPGA written in Verilog
 Integrated Raspberry Pi, Xbox One controller, and VGA display to interface with our CPU
 Created an assembler that converts assembly code into machine code
 Developed original software for the movement of ghosts, Pacman, and the game states, in machine language
TankWars Game - Collaborative Project
 Recreated tank wars game using client/server architecture, allowing multiple clients to connect to a server
 Used JSON to represent and send information from client to server and vice versa using TCP in C#
 Used MVC architecture in order to have separation of concerns
CPU Design - Independent Project
 Simulated and synthesized a 4-bit ALU, datapath, and tri-state buffers modularly in Verilog
 Then implemented a finite state machine
 Interfaced all the components together for a 4-bit CPU and controller for a microprocessor or microcontroller
Sensor Systems - Independent Project
 Designed and simulated a simple sensor system to detect the temperature with a MS97 thermistor
 Built the circuit using insulating tiles to heat up or a convection current fan to cool down
Infrared Signals - Collaborative Project
 Coded programs on Arduinos (in C++) to send and receive messages using infrared transmissions
 Built a sender and receiver to work with obstructions in between the two Arduinos


I currently work part time as a lab aide. I would like to get started with the project over the summer. I am open to working with anybody that will put in the time and effort needed to complete our final project.

